Temporary tariff rate may be applied to imported goods within a specified period of time. 对进口货物在一定期限内可以实行暂定税率。
China has also agreed to undertake reforms on its tariffs and taxes on imported goods which will expand imports and domestic consumption. 中国也同意对进口货物进行关税和税务改革,这将扩大进口和国内消费。
The imported goods were sold and the proceeds invested in either bank accounts or wealth management products in China. 企业将进口到境内的商品卖掉,收入或存入银行,或投资理财产品。
The chemists here regularly test a wide range of imported goods, but they specialize in analyzing agricultural imports. 这里的化学工作者常常会检测品类广泛的进口商品,但他们的专长是分析进口的农产品。
These subsidies are effectively paid for by Chinese households in the form of artificially higher prices for imported goods. 这些补贴实际上由中国家庭支付,他们通过购买价格被人为推高的进口商品对上述企业进行了补贴。
The imported goods can only be used for display or given as a free gift; 进口货物只能用于展示或者免费赠送的;
The materials, components, parts and similar goods incorporated in the imported goods; 进口货物包含的材料、部件、零件和类似货物;
Customs duties are paid on imported goods. purchasing price of products for export 对进口货物征收关税。出口商品外贸收购价格
The remaining imported goods shall all be exempt from consolidated industrial and commercial tax. 其余的进口货物,都免征工商统一税。
Tariffs raise the prices of imported goods, thus making them less competitive within the market of the importing country. 关税抬高了进口货物的价格,从而使得他们在进口国商品市场竞争优势下降。
The transaction value of identical or similar imported goods sold to unrelated buyers in china; 向境内无特殊关系的买方出售的相同或者类似进口货物的成交价格;
Identical imported goods produced in a country other than the country of exportation of the goods being valued could be the basis for customs valuation; 在与被估价货物出口国以外的国家生产的相同进口货物可以作为海关估价的依据;
The judgment of the origin of ordinary imported goods is usually based on the declaration by importers. 对一般进口货物原产地的判定,通常是根据进口商的申报。
The government plans to slap a new tariff on imported goods. 政府计划对进口货物征收新关锐。
Economic growth has been hurt by Americans buying more imported goods instead of purchasing things produced locally. 美国经济的增长也因为美国人购买更多的进口商品而不是美国产品而受到损害。
He noted that national treatment was applied in the areas of government pricing for all imported goods. 他指出,在所有进口产品的政府定价方面实施国民待遇。
The duties are levied against imported goods considered to be unfairly priced more cheaply than in their domestic market. 紧急关税的征收对象是那些被视为不公平地将价格定得比其国内市场更低的进口商品。
To help ( domestic industry) with tariffs or quotas on imported goods. 贸易保护通过关税和进口货物配额帮助(国内工业)
He noted that the Customs Tariff of China was a charge imposed on imported goods. 他指出,中国的关税是对进口货物征收的费用。
Tariff a tax or duty imposed by a government on imported goods. 政府对进口货物征收的税收。
The new product sizes up with and even surpasses in certain respects the imported goods of the similar kind. 这一新产品与同类的进口货不相上下,在有些方面甚至还超过了它们。
Temporary imported goods under customs supervision; 暂时进口的海关监管货物;
For several years tariffs had been imported on all imported goods as a "protection" to American manufacturer. 美国对输入货物征收关税以保护美国的制造业者已有数年。
There are more stores and supermarkets full of local and imported goods. 摆满土特产和进口货物的商店和超级市场越来越多。
Certain imported goods may be subject to tariff rate quota control. 国家对部分进口货物可以实行关税配额管理。
What will you do with these imported goods? 你们准备如何处理这些进口货?
Contrast these imported goods with the domestic product. 把这些进口货与国货比比看。
Countries with large current account deficits are cutting consumption of imported goods. 拥有巨额经常账赤字的国家正在减少进口商品的消费。
( iii) materials consumed in the production of the imported goods; (ⅲ)在生产进口货物过程中消耗的材料;